Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A bit of an introduction...

Several years ago my sister-in-law moved to Singapore with her husband and sons, she started a blog to keep us in touch.  I really liked the daily updates and I wished my life was interesting enough to start a blog.  Before long blogs became as common as email addresses and I was still observing from afar. 

Last year my husband and I began our homeschooling adventure and I wanted to start a blog to keep a daily record of the experiences we would make educating our children in the home.  Each day I put it off for another reason and here I sit, still dreaming of the blog.

Last month I decided I was going get off my duff and start the blog.  My blog was going to entertain, encourage, delight and inform others based on the experiences of my life.  My life is simply my life, like your life, filled with good days and bad days.  But each day is another gift from God to merit the place in Heaven He prepared for me.   This daily meditation is taken from my Missal (given to me by my husband for Mother's Day this year!)

"Remember, Christian soul, that thou hast this day, and every day of thy life:

God to glorify,                     Heaven to gain,
Jesus to imitate,                  Eternity to prepare for,
The Angels and Saints to    Time to profit by.
invoke.                                Neighbors to edify,
A soul to save,                    The world to despise,
A body to mortify,              Devils to combat,  
Sins to expiate,                  Passions to subdue,
Virtues to acquire,            Death perhaps to suffer,
Hell to avoid,                    Judgment to undergo."

Isn't that beautiful?

So back to the blog...I had to come up with a catchy name.  It had to identify me in every way.  First my love for God and my devotion to the Catholic Church; then to my family and then to my many interests.  This was a difficult task!

I went to the Bible and opened it up hoping a great verse would jump out at me, didn't happen.  I looked up some of my favorite movies, nothing.  Finally I went to my mom for help, seems reasonable right?  She always gave me sound advise (not that I always took it) the tricky thing is Mom died almost 4 years ago so I needed a creative way to get her help.  I reached for one of her books that I inherited and I opened it up; it was an old hymnal...perfect as Mom and I shared a deep faith.  The page opened to "O Sanctisima" I thought that sounded pretty cool but it just didn't click.  I flipped through and I fell to the page with the song "O Dearest Mother of Mercy", it swept the breath from my mouth and made my heart fill with joy.  All at once my mind rested on My Lord's Dear Mother, my Mother and Me.  My quest was over, my blog would be called the very thing my own children call me (Why?  I'll tell you soon) "Darling Mother Dear". 


  1. can't wait to see what you have to say little lady

  2. As with most things of God...I "just happened onto your blog". Surfing St Blogs Parish and peeking in on new bloggers and wondered what Darling Mother Dear was all about. I, too, am a newbie and struggled with, should I write a blog...should I not write a blog. I already had a food blog...cucinananette.blogspot.com so did I want another one? Well God is always in control...and He knows I always have so much (too much) to say, so The Crooked Halo was born crookedhalocatholicblog.blogspot.com. I enjoy your honesty and natural way of writing. God bless you and your large family..how beautiful to have so many. I was only blessed with one but I am one of 7. Anyway, lets fight the good fight for the King of Kings with words! N
